Friday, August 17, 2018

Frogs and alligators writing

This week Mrs Clark give us a task about frogs and alligators we had to do it by our self because we have to figure it our by our self. In the frog side we have to get all the facts about frogs but in the alligators side we had to get all the facts about alligators and last for not least the middle we had to have the same facts. I like it because i got to know more about them!


  1. hello nisha its niah

    I like the way you have made frog vs alligator but maybe you could add some picture to show what they look like and what colour they are but you have done a really good job

  2. KIa ora Nisha. It is great to see you have been learning to use a Venn Diagram and you have completed this task so well. You will likely learn
    to use the Venn Diagram in Maths one day.


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